LifeGroup Leader Guide



Thank you for serving through our LifeGroup Bible Studies Ministry at Prestonwood!

We like to say church should be “A Place Where No One Stands Alone.” And that’s a pretty good description of our LifeGroups, as well.

In essence, we are all wired with certain needs that can be met only through relationships with other people.

That’s why one of the core principles of our LifeGroups is connecting people – whether they are lifelong followers of Christ or have just accepted Him as Lord and Savior.

The relevant and engaging teaching in our classes helps guide our people toward spiritual growth and development. Bible study, accountability and encouragement help our members and guests stay in step with Christ for the long haul or allow them to cross over the line of faith for the first time.

This webpage is an administrative guide as well as an idea starter for ways to involve people in ministry to … reach … learn … love … and multiply. And while these descriptions and tasks are important, they are not primary.

As a volunteer in this ministry, what is most needed from you is your personal holiness. As you walk closely with Jesus, your creativity, your witness, your investment of time and impact on people will make all the difference.

Help us to truly make Prestonwood “A Place Where No One Stands Alone”!

Thank you so much for your commitment to serve Christ through this powerful ministry.

His and yours,

Dr. Jason Snyder
Discipleship Pastor
Prestonwood Baptist Church

Our Mission

Our Mission at Prestonwood Baptist Church is to glorify God by introducing Jesus Christ as Lord to as many people as possible and to develop them in Christian living using the most effective means to impact the world, making an eternal difference in this generation.

Our LifeGroup Values

  • REACH – Reaching people for Christ
  • LEARN – Learning to live like Christ
  • LOVE – Loving people with Christ

Defining Success

In order for any organization to be successful, it must possess a clear and compelling definition of success. With that in mind, we have attempted to define success for our LifeGroup members and leaders.


The member of a LifeGroup is successful if he or she is personally experiencing authentic community and spiritual growth.

Specifically, the member should ask:

  • Am I growing in my intimacy with God?
  • Am I growing in authentic community with members/other believers?
  • Am I growing in my influence and eternal impact with unbelievers?
  • Am I growing in my understanding and utilization of my spiritual gift(s)?


The leader of a LifeGroup is successful if he or she is facilitating authentic community and spiritual growth in their group.

Specifically, the leader should ask:

  • Am I becoming more and more like Jesus? In other words, am I applying what I am encouraging others to apply?
  • Am I multiplying myself into other leaders?
  • Are members prioritizing our LifeGroups in their schedules?
  • Are members experiencing accountability, a sense of belonging and love?
  • Are members’ priorities becoming more aligned with Scripture?
  • Are the members sharing Christ and pointing others to Christ more and more?
  • Are members finding ways to use their spiritual gifts?

Qualifications of Leadership

Is a born-again believer and has been baptized via immersion after salvation

  • Has a growing relationship with God
  • Actively demonstrates a lifestyle of Christlike love for others
  • Shows evidence of a servant’s heart
  • Sets aside a daily time of prayer and Bible reading, desiring to become more and more like Jesus
  • Attends Prestonwood worship services faithfully
  • Embodies our LifeGroups values of “Reach. Learn. Love. Multiply.”
  • Is a fully functioning member (faithful financial support, prayer warrior and servant of Christ and this church)
  • Multiplies and develops new believers


What does a win look like? We win when our values are fulfilled:

  • LifeGroups reach people for Christ (Reach)
  • LifeGroups disciple people to live like Christ (Learn)
  • LifeGroups love people like Christ (Love)
  • Leaders duplicate themselves (Multiply) so that they can start new groups (Reach)

Key Things to Expect From the Adult Ministry Team

  • To be supported by the prayers of the Adult Ministry Team and the intercessory prayer ministry
  • To maintain open lines of communication, support and ministry with the staff
  • To be provided meaningful and interesting training on a regular basis
  • To be provided a list of contact information for all guests to your LifeGroups
  • To be supplied with doctrinally sound material via curriculum, small-group resources, men’s and women’s Bible studies, and Shepherd Groups
  • To be provided ample space that is clean, orderly and properly maintained
  • To be provided supplies as needed to lead and teach
  • To be supported during times of pastoral care to the members and guests of the group, including hospital visitation and counseling


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Date: March 25, 2021


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Serve at Prestonwood

Prestonwood offers many ways to use your gifts and talents in serving others – from cameraman to choir member, technician to teacher, parking attendant to prayer warrior. Click here to find out more.

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Besides opportunities to watch services, we’re pleased to provide a variety of incredible opportunities to plug in to resources for young believers and mature Christians.

Live Streaming

Prestonwood.Live, our online community, exists to fulfill the our mission of Prestonwood for those who cannot attend a Prestonwood campus.

Visit Prestonwood.Live

On Demand Services

Miss a Sunday Worship Service? Want to catch up on a sermon series? Click here to see past recorded services at Prestonwood. Search for titles, filter by speaker or series, or browse by dates.

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Connect with Prestonwood

To find out more about the ministries at Prestonwood, click on any of the links below.

Adult Lifegroup Bible Studies

Through our LifeGroup Bible Studies, small-group ministry, every person who comes to Prestonwood is provided an opportunity to build key relationships that can last a lifetime.

Find a Group

Life Recovery Ministry

We want to help men, women and students recover from emotional, physical, relational and spiritual wounds through the power of Christ. Through classes, small groups and individual discipleship, the Life Recovery Ministry will help people pursue, overtake, and recover a life of peace and purpose.

Learn More

Core Values

We unapologetically value six core areas in the life of our church. Together, these shared values identify who we are, rally us toward all that we desire to accomplish, and unite us in fellowship.

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Becoming a Christian

The most important decision in your life will be whether you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

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No matter which campus you attend, you’ll find warm smiles to greet you; vibrant, worshipful music to lift your soul; and powerful teaching from God’s Word that will transform your life.

FIrst Time?

You’ll feel welcome from the very beginning of your visit to Prestonwood. We have something for everyone in your family so let us help you plan your first visit.

Plan Your Visit

Next Step Class

This class serves as the centerpiece for helping new members and those considering Prestonwood plug in to the life and ministries of our church.

More Information