Domingo, 2:00 p.m.
Campus en Plano
6801 W. Park Blvd.
Plano, Texas 75093
Campus en Lewisville
@Northview Baptist Church
2021 N. Mill St.
Lewisville, Texas 75057
Sábado, 5:00 p.m.
North Campus en Prosper
1001 W. Prosper Trail
Prosper, Texas 75078
Prestonwood tiene varias posiciones disponibles ahora, incluyendo el Ministerio de Niños (ambos campus); asistente médico (Prestonwood Pregnancy Center); asistentes ministeriales (Prestonwood en Español), y técnico de operaciones e instalaciones (Campus en Plano). Vea todas las oportunidades de trabajo y los detalles en línea:
17–19 de Marzo
Sky Ranch, Van, Texas
Ya está abierta la inscripción para el Retiro de Jóvenes Adultos (de 18 a 34 años) en Sky Ranch en Van, Texas, del 17 al 19 de marzo. Estamos planeando muchas actividades, diversión, adoración y estudio bíblico. ¡Es un gran tiempo para construir comunidad! ¡Ven a conocer y seguir a Jesús con nosotros!
Banquete Anual de Zig Ziglar
Recipiente 2023 – Michael W. Smith
Domingo, 2 de Abril – 6:00 p.m.
Ford Center at The Star, 9 Cowboys Way, Frisco, Texas
A beneficio de Prestonwood Christian Academy Sponsor-A-Child Program
Patrocinios disponibles en
Viernes, el 24 de Marzo
6:00–9:00 p.m.
Nuestro “Special Friends Prom” es una manera maravillosa de celebrar nuestra comunidad con necesidades especiales (de 14 años en adelante). Por favor, póngase en contacto con las familias de amigos especiales que pueda conocer e invítelos a esta gran noche de diversión viernes, 24 de marzo (6:00–9:00 p.m., Campus en Plano en The Commons; North Campus en Prosper en Edificio de Estudiantes). Necesitamos voluntarios (mayores de 18 años) para ser “amigos” de nuestros Amigos Especiales esa noche. Para información:
Ya está abierta la inscripción comunitaria para el año escolar 2023-2024 para Prestonwood Christian Learning Center. Los niños (8 semanas–pre-K) pueden ser inscritos para el aprendizaje basado en la Biblia, con profesores cristianos aprobados. CLC ofrece opciones de uno o dos días los martes y/o jueves (9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.). Para más información, por favor comuníquese con nosotros: 972-820-5348 o
Por favor oren por los miembros de nuestra iglesia que estarán ministrando alrededor del mundo durante el mes de marzo a las siguientes ciudades, países y regiones:
Abilene, Texas
Apalaches (Kentucky)
Boulder, Colorado
Colorado Springs (Colorado)
Costa Rica
Dallas (Texas)
Denver (Colorado)
República Dominicana
África Oriental
Kansas City, Mo.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Miami (Florida)
Reserva Navajo (Nuevo México)
Norte de Texas
Orlando (Florida)
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Salt Lake City (Utah)
La primera semana de cada mes, dedicamos un día para reunirnos en oración y adoración en familia. Todas las clases de los miércoles forman parte de esta noche especial.
Habrá cuidado de niños disponible.
Campus en Plano
Miércoles, 1 de Marzo
6:30 p.m.
La Capilla
Campus en Lewisville
Viernes, 3 de Marzo
7:00 p.m.
As believers, we are called to give of our talents – not only financially, but also our spiritual gifting through volunteering. We have safe and secure ways to give and opportunities to bless others through legacy giving, and a myriad of volunteer opportunities.
Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.
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Prestonwood offers many ways to use your gifts and talents in serving others – from cameraman to choir member, technician to teacher, parking attendant to prayer warrior. Click here to find out more.
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Besides opportunities to watch services, we’re pleased to provide a variety of incredible opportunities to plug in to resources for young believers and mature Christians.
Prestonwood.Live, our online community, exists to fulfill the our mission of Prestonwood for those who cannot attend a Prestonwood campus.
Visit Prestonwood.Live
Miss a Sunday Worship Service? Want to catch up on a sermon series? Click here to see past recorded services at Prestonwood. Search for titles, filter by speaker or series, or browse by dates.
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To find out more about the ministries at Prestonwood, click on any of the links below.
Through our LifeGroup Bible Studies, small-group ministry, every person who comes to Prestonwood is provided an opportunity to build key relationships that can last a lifetime.
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We want to help men, women and students recover from emotional, physical, relational and spiritual wounds through the power of Christ. Through classes, small groups and individual discipleship, the Life Recovery Ministry will help people pursue, overtake, and recover a life of peace and purpose.
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We are a dynamic congregation, with people from all over the North Texas region who have come together for a common purpose—to study God’s Word, to worship Him, to do His work, and to reach the world with the Gospel message.
We unapologetically value six core areas in the life of our church. Together, these shared values identify who we are, rally us toward all that we desire to accomplish, and unite us in fellowship.
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The most important decision in your life will be whether you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
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No matter which campus you attend, you’ll find warm smiles to greet you; vibrant, worshipful music to lift your soul; and powerful teaching from God’s Word that will transform your life.
You’ll feel welcome from the very beginning of your visit to Prestonwood. We have something for everyone in your family so let us help you plan your first visit.
Plan Your Visit
This class serves as the centerpiece for helping new members and those considering Prestonwood plug in to the life and ministries of our church.
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