Home > Connect > Adults > LifeGroup Leader Resources > LifeGroup Leader Guide – LifeGroup Strategy
Note: Sometimes a Division Minister may ask leaders to start a “paper group.” A “paper group” is derived from regular guests/prospects who have not yet joined a LifeGroup and from those who have stopped attending and may be open to a new group.
Each group will be given REACH cards, and group members will be asked to write down the names of three to five people they know who are not yet believers, and then work toward sharing the story of Christ with them.
Success is defined as actively working to move people through the process of evangelism.
We have defined the process of evangelism as three steps to help move someone toward hearing the story of Christ and having his or her life changed by the Gospel. This process serves as a guide to help you understand how you can move someone from being a name on a REACH card to allowing God to use you to share the story of Christ with that person. Remember, it is always God’s desire that we actively share our faith (2 Timothy 4:5), and this helps us work toward fulfilling that mission.
Multiplication is not just a strategy; it is part of God’s grand plan for advancing His kingdom. In Genesis 1:28, God’s first command was “Be fruitful and multiply.” If you study Jesus’ life closely, you will see that His mission to reach the world included creating disciples who could carry on His same mission after He returned to the Father. Jesus’ heartbeat was for multiplication. He took ordinary people and transformed them into disciple-makers who would change the world.
Defining multiplication is important. When we mention multiplication, people often think of discipleship – deeper Bible studies, growth-level curriculum or more programs. While it is crucial to grow and anchor new believers, that is just one part of the whole multiplication process.
Multiplication is all about reproduction; if that is not happening, we are missing the mark. When we multiply what God has done in our lives from person to person, one generation to the next, we will see a movement of life change as new people are reached and impacted by the Gospel. Without multiplication, there is no movement, and stagnation forms.
The command to multiply is both individual and corporate (churchwide or ministry-wide). For LifeGroups to grow and multiply, members must become disciple-makers and, when partnered with the Holy Spirit, multiply their faith and leadership into the lives of others. Our aim is for each LifeGroup leader to regularly pray for and develop new apprentice leaders, expanding the ability of the LifeGroup to minister effectively. Additionally, LifeGroups should set an objective toward group multiplication, creating even more opportunities for reaching new people for Christ.
Multiplication is ultimately about fulfilling Christ’s calling for all of us to become disciple-makers and to use the gifts God has given each of us to advance His kingdom.
Read next: LifeGroup Resources
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Through our LifeGroup Bible Studies, small-group ministry, every person who comes to Prestonwood is provided an opportunity to build key relationships that can last a lifetime.
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We want to help men, women and students recover from emotional, physical, relational and spiritual wounds through the power of Christ. Through classes, small groups and individual discipleship, the Life Recovery Ministry will help people pursue, overtake, and recover a life of peace and purpose.
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We are a dynamic congregation, with people from all over the North Texas region who have come together for a common purpose—to study God’s Word, to worship Him, to do His work, and to reach the world with the Gospel message.
We unapologetically value six core areas in the life of our church. Together, these shared values identify who we are, rally us toward all that we desire to accomplish, and unite us in fellowship.
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The most important decision in your life will be whether you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
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This class serves as the centerpiece for helping new members and those considering Prestonwood plug in to the life and ministries of our church.
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