LifeGroup Leader Guide

LifeGroup Structure: Tier 1



To be an active serving member of the group and to partner with the Teacher in organizational responsibilities. A Director identifies spiritual gifts and recruits people for various leadership positions in the group. As the primary administrator of the group, the Director oversees the week-by-week mechanics of the group and leads the leadership team to carry out their individual responsibilities. The Director works closely with both the Teacher and team leaders to ensure that all key areas of ministry (Reach, Learn, Love, Multiply) are addressed appropriately and the group is properly organized and mobilized for its mission of leading people to faith in Jesus Christ and to establish them in Christian living.


  • Plans and organizes the ministry of the LifeGroup by recruiting leaders, and encourages and serving leaders as they fulfill their responsibilities
  • Directs the LifeGroup session (welcome, announcements, prayer, etc.), starting and finishing on time to allow for an adequate Bible teaching period (familiarize yourself with the announcements prior to group meetings)
  • Arrives 15 minutes prior to LifeGroup start to set up the room and greet guests and members
  • Partner with your Teacher to lead group leadership meetings to plan, develop, evaluate, and implement ideas or strategies to reach group goals and objectives regarding the Reach, Learn, Love, Multiply core values
  • Identifies and develops new leaders (including an Apprentice Director) to help the group fulfill the Church’s mission
  • Works closely with the Prospect Coordinator to ensure all worship prospects and LifeGroup guests are contacted each week
  • Oversees and promotes Shepherd Groups, recognizing they are an effective tool to develop Christ-centered community that includes every member, member-in-service, and group prospect
  • Enlists and trains an Apprentice Director for the purpose of becoming a new Director
  • Ensures a REACH lifestyle is promoted and implemented among group members
  • Encourages and equips leaders to launch new LifeGroups


LifeGroups are designed to be ONE HOUR in length. Here is a suggested breakdown of the hour:

:00 Background Music (upbeat, high energy)
:01 Meet/Greet/Connect with New and Returning Guests
:10 Welcome (Three Announcements)
:15 Prayer Requests
:20 Lesson (25–30 minutes)
:50 Two Quick Announcements Reminders
:55 Encourage members to personally invite guests to sit with group in worship, eat lunch together, and attend other events
:60 Dismissal


We recommend that each LifeGroup Leadership Team meet at least once a quarter for prayer, sharing updates on prospects, various ministry situations, evaluation and planning.


    • What was most successful in our LifeGroup in the last month?
    • What needs immediate improvement?
    • Are we reaching our goals for spiritual growth, involving more people in service, salvations and growth?
    • Briefly share information about each prospect since the last meeting.
    • Who joined since our last meeting?
    • Lead a time of prayer specifically for your prospects: for salvation, clarity in their decision regarding a church, etc.
    • Share any outreach or evangelism plans.
    • How are we following up with each new member since our last meeting to ensure they stay connected?
    • Do we have enough Shepherd Groups? Enough leaders/homes?
    • Discuss prayer needs, care needs and ministry follow-up plans.
    • Discuss socials & party plans.
    • Discuss how these events can be leveraged to reach and connect with new people.
    • How can we improve our REACH, improve our LEARN, and improve our LOVE?
    • Who are we raising up as a new leader in our LifeGroup?
    • Who is someone you think could step up to serve as a leader in the future?
    • Be sure to pray for each other as leaders, for the intentionality of our entire LifeGroups Ministry, and for our church, Pastor and staff.



To develop his or her LifeGroup members and guests in Christlikeness through biblical teaching. The Teacher works closely with the Director and group leadership to promote and fulfill our values of Reach. Learn. Love.


  • Leads LifeGroup members and guests in meaningful Bible study by:
  • Using approved churchwide curriculum (with the Bible as the chief guide)
    (To view curriculum, visit
  • Prepares the lesson with the needs of the group members in mind
  • Participates in on-going Teacher training throughout the year
  • Teacher Huddles
  • Leader’s Edge Videos
  • Curriculum specifics
  • Arrives at least 10 minutes early to greet guests and members
  • Identifies and develops an Apprentice Teacher
  • Consistently utilizes the Apprentice Teacher as a substitute in preparation for a new LifeGroup launch
  • For help in recruiting an Apprentice Teacher, see page 17.


“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”
— Colossians 3:23

Every Teacher has God-given tools that can make his or her LifeGroup the place to be! While your personality may cause you to naturally gravitate toward some of these tools more than others, each of them can help you connect with your people more significantly. As Teachers, we get to share the most important message ever given: Because of God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice for us, we can have new life, complete forgiveness and real hope for every day ahead! Teachers, we get to share this life-impacting message and we need to do it to the best of our ability. These tools help make that a reality.


Your passion should be directed toward a clear outcome or “big idea” from the biblical text. In other words, as you begin to prepare your lesson, get clarity about several things:

  • What is the big idea (what do you want the group to learn)?
  • What difference is it going to make (why do I want them to learn it)?
  • What is the value added to their life (what do I want them to do with it)?
  • How can I point them to Jesus with this lesson (every week I want to point them to their Savior)?


This tool is a must! One of the chief reasons Teachers are encouraged to begin preparing early in the week is so that God’s Word can impact them. God can bring the truths of His Word alive to them. The Teacher should help people see the lesson.


There is a direct correlation between one’s predictability and one’s impact. In other words, the higher the predictability, the lower the impact.

Frequently a Teacher will ask, “Are there any bad teaching methods? I just like to lecture. Is that wrong?” Lectures can be an effective teaching method when complemented by other approaches. The only truly “bad” teaching method is one that you rely on exclusively week after week. Here are a few other teaching methods you could use: Group Discussion, Role Playing, Storytelling, Debate, Real Life Example, and Q&A.

In any group, you will find people with a variety of learning styles. If you only use one method of teaching, you might not be shepherding those who prefer other learning styles as best as you can.


Humor frequently is the perfect tool when we find ourselves in a tense or stressful situation. Proverbs 17:22 says that “a joyful heart is good medicine….” Most people love to laugh and the funny things that occur in our home and with our family typically get the best response.


The people we teach are fire-hosed with pessimism and bad news on every turn. People need to believe things can get better; that with God’s strength and guidance, they can make a positive difference. The tool of inspiration is vital to keep hope, belief and dreams alive. Your people are begging to be inspired!


The conviction tool speaks solely to your understanding and application of God’s Word. For instance, if your subject is mercy and compassion, share this lesson using a personal story about someone who displayed compassion to you so that your group can feel your conviction about this subject.

People remember stories and authentic emotion. It moves them. It sets the table for change to occur. Someone once said that the most fatal mistake in preaching is “he taught as though nothing were at stake.” The minute you feel your convictions slipping or indifference about the lesson, it’s time to get alone with God in prayer. The Teacher is the lesson. How you have applied God’s Word to your life and allowed it to change you? Your actions and attitudes will, in many respects, be replicated by your group.


As was stated above, our Teachers are encouraged to prepare their lessons with the specific needs of their members in mind. Every quality group is built on two foundational stones: the Bible and people’s needs. Our goal as Teachers is to let the Bible speak to people’s needs. This is where creativity enters the picture. It’s much easier to talk about the Bible, sharing facts, events, parallels, etc. rather than applying it to people’s real issues and specific needs. And yet that is where change occurs! Don’t stop with just knowledge and comprehension levels of learning. As professor of Christian education LeRoy Ford said, “We must take our students from the state of ’so what?’ to the state of ’aha!’”

Remember … lives are at stake, so how you teach what you teach really does matter!

For additional teaching resources, click here.

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Date: March 25, 2021


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We want to help men, women and students recover from emotional, physical, relational and spiritual wounds through the power of Christ. Through classes, small groups and individual discipleship, the Life Recovery Ministry will help people pursue, overtake, and recover a life of peace and purpose.

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