Each fall and spring, Prestonwood offers opportunities for spiritual development in focused classes. Choose a class that interests you, and join us! Class seating is limited.
Wednesday, Sept. 1 | 6:30 p.m.
The Commons, Plano Campus
Guest speaker Ken Starr, former U.S. circuit judge and Solicitor General of the United States, discusses religious freedom issues.
On this Wednesday, Main Street Café will serve an evening meal, 4:30–7:00 p.m. Enjoy beef lasagna, side salad and Italian cream cake for dessert. Sizzle Grill, World Salad Station and Gourmet Pizza will also be open.
January 15–April 30
6:30–7:30 p.m.
All classes begin at 6:30 p.m. unless noted below.
Romans: The Gospel According to Paul
Dr. Jason Snyder
Worship Center
Join Discipleship Pastor Jason Snyder for an in-depth study of the book of Romans, the powerful epistle of Paul explaining the Gospel and salvation.
Men’s Bible Study: Authentic Manhood, Volumes 3 & 4 (Men’s Class)
Mark Phanco
Room W202
12 weeks
Volume 3: A Man and His Traps unfolds a biblical battle plan that helps men replace specific temptations and struggles with God’s better promises. It deals head-on with issues that men can relate to such as sexual lust, the need for control, unfounded fear, and the pursuit of significance.
Volume 4: A Man and His Work studies how work and career play a major role in the life of every man by recognizing the obstacles and tensions that men can experience in their work lives, and then unfolds a process that helps men move beyond the conventional perspective of work that can lead to dead ends and frustration.
For His Glory by Marian Jordan Ellis (Women’s Class)
Jenn Smith
Room W204
6 weeks
For His Glory is an in-depth study of Ephesians that will help participants deepen their understanding of the Gospel and how God is involved in redemption; discover God’s plan for the Church; gain freedom from the voices of rejection, shame and unworthiness; learn to “take off” the old nature and to “put on” Christ; discover keys to the Spirit-filled life; understand the reality of spiritual warfare and how to stand in victory.
Biblical Justice: Answers for Difficult Days
Ron Kelley
Room W206
7 weeks
Biblical Justice is an excellent class that digs deeply into Scripture to see what God says about justice, and how to apply it to our lives, our government and our culture.
Before You Say, "I Do"
Jack Raymond
Room A104
7 weeks
Too many couples spend a great deal of time preparing for the wedding while only dreaming about the marriage. Before You Say, “I Do” imparts biblical perspective and practical principles for a successful marriage. These sessions will help create a lasting, fulfilling relationship.
The Marriage Journey
Dan Panetti and Johnny Farr
Room A101-103
6 weeks
This transformative Bible study aims at enriching marital relationships by separating husbands and wives for focused discussions and allowing each partner to explore his or her thoughts in a supportive environment. Through Scripture, personal sharing and guided questions, participants will examine biblical principles of love, communication and commitment. This journey offers insights into individual roles and fosters a deeper understanding of each partner’s perspective. Suitable for all stages of marriage, The Marriage Journey is an opportunity to strengthen your bond, grow in faith, and discover how God’s Word can guide your shared path together.
Divorce Care
Dave Osterloh
Room A203
6:00–7:30 p.m.
14 weeks
Most people who have been through a separation or a divorce will tell you that the experience is incredibly painful and stressful. DivorceCare helps you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. (The workbook is available for purchase in the Prestonwood Bookstore.)
To register, click here.
Community of Prayer
Richard Manning
Prayer Tower
6:00–6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays, 6:30–8:00 p.m.
Room W207
When we are honest with ourselves, there is something in all our lives that we would like to xchange.
Xchanged Life is a spiritual process that delivers hope and support to anyone seeking a life free from the snares of lies that limit our God-designed destiny. Xchanged Life is designed to help you xchange your agreement with lies for trust in the truth of God’s Word.
Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Room W204
Are you suffering from a failure to communicate? This class introduces tools to help you deliver good words and show the love of God to everyone you meet.
Kind words are like honey sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. —Proverbs 16:24
To register, please e-mail [email protected]
School of Ministry
Room A205
(for those working toward a Church Ministry Certificate)
Parejas de Vida
Room A206
Marriage Bible Study
Hombres de Valor (Men’s Bible Study)
Room A207
Transformadas para Su Gloria (Women’s Bible Study)
Room A208
January 15–April 30
6:30–7:30 p.m.
All classes aside from LifeRecovery will not meet on nights of Wednesday Worship.
Wednesday Worship
6:30 p.m.
Jan. 8, Feb. 5, Mar. 5 & April 2
A monthly gathering for the church to gather in an intentional time of prayer and praise
Intro to Biblical Interpretation
Cade Baxter
Room C207
This course is a two-semester educational approach to studying the greater themes of the Bible and God’s grand plan of redemption. This spring semester is a continuation of the fall semester and will focus on the New Testament and God’s plan for salvation and the Church.
Tom Davenport
Room C206
Join us as we continue a verse-by-verse study of the Bible. This spring, we’ll continue our look at Leviticus.
Courageous Marriage and Parenting
Justin McAdams
Room C211
This practical and impactful class is designed for parents eager to strengthen their marriage and lead their family in an accurate biblical worldview. With just 6,570 days from birth to graduation, every moment matters. How will you use this precious time to shape your children’s character, faith and future? Together, we’ll explore intentional strategies to guide your children in the way they should go, creating a strong foundation that will last a lifetime.
Men's Bible Study
Parker Jones
Room C208
Join us as we continue the topic from Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study.
Digging In: Psalms
Kim Shirley
Room C209
Join us as we take an incisive look at the Psalms!
International Women’s Bible Study
Dina Imelda
Room C210
Our group is a collective of women of different cultures and languages who study the Bible together in English.
Abundant Grace
Justin Ramos
This multi-generational LifeGroup Bible Study meets year-round on Wednesday nights.
For a schedule of classes and locations, e-mail [email protected].
The Life Recovery Ministry will continue to meet on weeks of Wednesday Night Worship.
Anxiety & Depression
You are not alone. If you find yourself feeling anxious or overwhelmed … there is hope. Learn to walk in the freedom Christ promised.
Most people who have been through a separation or divorce will tell you that it is an incredibly painful and stressful experience. Divorce Care helps you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
Grief Share
Are you experiencing the loss of someone you love? Find comfort and community in studying God’s Word together and His plan for healing.
Men’s Living Free
Living Free addresses the key drivers of unwanted sexual behavior, whether using pornography, being unfaithful, or paying for sex. Men, if you want to find freedom from sexual brokenness, it begins by identifying the unique reasons that bring you to it.
Women of Living Free
A support group to help wives of men struggling with pornography addiction to be able to understand, support, and assist their husbands.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can be debilitating. This class, offered for men and women, gives an opportunity to see how to apply God’s Word to personal life circumstances and build community for support.
XChanged Life
It’s very likely that all of us have something in our life that we would like to “Xchange.” Xchanged Life is a spiritual process that delivers hope and support for anyone seeking a life free from the snares of lies that limit our God-designed destiny. The class is designed to help you Xchange “agreement with lies” for “trust in the truth of God’s Word.” Are you ready to make the Xchange?
Substance Abuse
Drug and alcohol addiction impacts the quality of life of those experiencing it. Relationships, employment and health are just a few areas that substance abuse can affect. Come and learn to walk in the freedom Christ promised.
Overcomer is a ministry that comes alongside women who have been abused by bringing God’s Word to help heal deep wounds, refocus faith, restore hope, ignite passion, and find purpose. Abusive experiences leave wounds lasting decades after the trauma of abuse is over. Survivors often move on, but are left overwhelmed by shame, fear, low self-esteem and powerlessness. This recovery ministry helps survivors build resilience and healing through self-reflection and self-awareness.
As believers, we are called to give of our talents – not only financially, but also our spiritual gifting through volunteering. We have safe and secure ways to give and opportunities to bless others through legacy giving, and a myriad of volunteer opportunities.
Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.
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Prestonwood offers many ways to use your gifts and talents in serving others – from cameraman to choir member, technician to teacher, parking attendant to prayer warrior. Click here to find out more.
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Besides opportunities to watch services, we’re pleased to provide a variety of incredible opportunities to plug in to resources for young believers and mature Christians.
Prestonwood.Live, our online community, exists to fulfill the our mission of Prestonwood for those who cannot attend a Prestonwood campus.
Visit Prestonwood.Live
Miss a Sunday Worship Service? Want to catch up on a sermon series? Click here to see past recorded services at Prestonwood. Search for titles, filter by speaker or series, or browse by dates.
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To find out more about the ministries at Prestonwood, click on any of the links below.
Through our LifeGroup Bible Studies, small-group ministry, every person who comes to Prestonwood is provided an opportunity to build key relationships that can last a lifetime.
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We want to help men, women and students recover from emotional, physical, relational and spiritual wounds through the power of Christ. Through classes, small groups and individual discipleship, the Life Recovery Ministry will help people pursue, overtake, and recover a life of peace and purpose.
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We are a dynamic congregation, with people from all over the North Texas region who have come together for a common purpose—to study God’s Word, to worship Him, to do His work, and to reach the world with the Gospel message.
We unapologetically value six core areas in the life of our church. Together, these shared values identify who we are, rally us toward all that we desire to accomplish, and unite us in fellowship.
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The most important decision in your life will be whether you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
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No matter which campus you attend, you’ll find warm smiles to greet you; vibrant, worshipful music to lift your soul; and powerful teaching from God’s Word that will transform your life.
You’ll feel welcome from the very beginning of your visit to Prestonwood. We have something for everyone in your family so let us help you plan your first visit.
Plan Your Visit
This class serves as the centerpiece for helping new members and those considering Prestonwood plug in to the life and ministries of our church.
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