Veterans Connection Luncheon
Tuesday, January 14
11:15 a.m.–12:45 p.m.
Student Ministry Building, Plano Campus
Guest Speaker: Les Castro, Founder and President of Faithful Friend
The ministry of Les Castro began in 1994, sharing his faith in juvenile prisons with the help of his dog, giving visual object lessons of blessing in obedience, consequences of disobedience and relationship with the Master.
That humble beginning evolved into Faithful Friend Ministry, which today works to train and place highly skilled service dogs with U.S. veterans with disabilities. The goal is to improve the lives of veterans through the use of dogs, bring about a relationship with Jesus which will change veterans’ lives, and produce more assistance, therapy and service dogs for the veteran community. The dogs help veterans more effectively manage PTS, provide needed companionship, and give the veterans purpose.
Veterans, Gold Star families, and patriots are invited to attend this complimentary luncheon.
Check back soon for online registration.