Care & Support

The Bible-based, practical guidance we provide at Prestonwood helps people in all stages of life.

  • For those who are engaged and looking for a biblical foundation to begin their marriage, we offer our Before You Say, “I Do” class.
  • Or, for married couples who desire marriage enrichment or marriage restoration, our Mentors4Couples Ministry may be able to help. Couples seeking restoration are paired with experienced married couples for Christ-centered mentoring.
  • In tough economic times, those who are seeking employment may discover that our Career Transitions Ministry can help them find direction in a new career.
  • Our Prestonwood Pregnancy Center offers support and biblical guidance for those faced with the reality of an unplanned pregnancy.
  • We understand that life can deal situations that are difficult to handle alone. We’re here to provide assistance to those who need and ask for help. Find out more about our support groups such as Grief, Loss & Transition; Special Needs; and Caregivers.
  • Through classes, small groups and individual discipleship, the Life Recovery Ministry helps people pursue, overtake, and recover a life of peace and purpose.
  • Our of Prestonwood Veterans Organization connects veterans, active military members and patriots together for the purpose of fellowship, serving alongside other Prestonwood ministries and reaching out to veterans in our community with the love of Jesus Christ.

If you have a prayer need, submit your prayer request online to our Prayer Ministry.

We want you to know we feel blessed to walk these journeys with you.

And, on the other side, if you feel that you would like to encourage others, you can learn about our Decision Encouragers Ministry, helping us to welcome and encourage new believers after each Worship Service.